08 9163 8600
91L Flynn Drive, Fitzroy Crossing WA 6765
POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT (PBS)FVDHS is a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) school. The purpose of PBS is to “create a safe and supportive learning environment at FVDHS through the implementation of whole school Positive Behaviour Support (PBS). In this process we value the contributions from staff, students and community to inform our decisions. Our aim is to develop a school culture that is positive and consistent, using a common language and high expectation of relationships. Thereby supporting students to achieve strong learning outcomes, social behaviour skills and a respectful Two-Way culture” (FVDHS PBS Policy). The Behaviour Framework is a platform through which all FVDHS behaviour management policies and procedures are monitored. As FVDHS is a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) school, all our staff are familiar with the PBS policy and procedures and follow these consistently. There is a school based PBS coordinator available to support staff and parents with any queries about our programme. SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS (SEN)At FVDHS students with special education needs (SEN) are catered for in a number of ways. SEN students often require one or more plans to assist them in a pathway to continuous learning and FVDHS documents these through a number of different avenues. This allows us to coordinate how we provide for students additional needs, enabling them access to the curriculum and quality teaching practice. These plans may include: (IEP) Individual Education Plan, (IBMP) Individual Behaviour Management Plan, Escalation Profile and (RMP) Risk Management Plan, Mealtime Plan, Physiotherapy Plan, Occupational Therapy Plan and Speech Therapy Plan. These student plans are created using the Education Departments SEN Planning Tool and are reported to Parents. Some students are eligible for Individual Disability Allocation funding under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 to support schools to make teaching and learning adjustments for students with disability. Funding can be used for a range of supports including:
Please see the Student Services Coordinator for more information and if you would like to discuss this for your child.