08 9163 8600
91L Flynn Drive, Fitzroy Crossing WA 6765
CULTURAL AWARENESSTo assist staff in developing an understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal languages and culture, it is important that cultural awareness training is completed as part of the induction process. Cultural awareness includes information about:
With the support of regional office staff AIEOs, and local community members are involved in the delivery of this training. It is also recommended that staff read texts to help with cultural awareness. Texts are available from the school library and available for purchase through online bookstores. ABORIGINAL & ISLANDER EDUCATION OFFICER (AIEO)Our school employs AIEOs to work with most classes across the school. The role of an AIEO is diverse and includes:
ABORIGINAL LANGUAGESAboriginal language classes are held once a week. There are three classes: Bunuba, Gooniyandi and Walmajarri. |